
Our certified reporters use state-of-the-art technology and are experienced in depositions, arbitrations, hearings, civil and criminal court proceedings, conventions and meetings.


Our normal transcript delivery time is two weeks (10 business days). We also offer same-day delivery and expedited delivery for a nominal charge.

Litigation Support

We offer a variety of formats including PDF electronic transcripts with hyperlinked exhibits and a complimentary word index, all of which are able to be viewed on your smartphone or tablet. Our PDF files allow you to cut and paste directly from your transcript into a separate file. Our electronic transcripts automatically include a condensed (four to a page) copy, AMICUS, ASCII/TXT, MDB and LEF formats. On request we can provide PTX, PTF, XMEF, SBF formats. We also provide time-stamping at your request.

Conference Rooms

Conference rooms are available at no extra charge when using one of our reporters. We are equipped for videoconferencing, Zoom and Skype, and we provide phones, fax, speakerphone, copying and wireless internet. We can reserve a conference room location that is convenient for you, again at no additional charge.


We provide transcription of audio and video files. We can transcribe files such as MP3, MP4, CD, DVD, JAVS, For The Record, VCR, even old-fashioned audiotapes from events such as phone calls, legal proceedings, business meetings, police body cameras, law enforcement interrogations and interviews.


Our certified videographers will provide you with a digital download or a DVD of your proceedings. We can also synchronize your transcripts to the video.

Remote Reporting

All our reporters are knowledgeable in conducting depositions remotely using services such as Zoom, Webex and Skype, to name a few. We can assist you with exhibit presentation during the deposition.

Go Green

We can provide all your transcripts electronically, including scanning your exhibits. Don’t feel comfortable going paperless yet? All our transcript covers are made from recycled material

Geographical Coverage

We cover the Las Vegas Valley and Pahrump. Outlying areas require an additional travel expense.

Other Services

We also handle referrals nationally to other court reporting firms when you need to take a deposition out of town or even out of the country.

Schedule Our Reporting Services Today